Top 10 Reasons I Spent a Career Here

Judy Clayton Sanchez

Senior Director, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs

  1. FAMILY–People of U.S. Sugar truly are a family that cares about each other and the community
  2. “TEAM SUGAR”—Extraordinary colleagues, friends, and community partners 
  3. NOBLE PURPOSE– American farmers sustainably feeding American families
  4. GREAT LEADERSHIP—Appreciate working  for and with such visionary, strategic thinkers (Notably, Nelson Fairbanks, Bob Buker, Robert Coker, Bubba Wade, Ken McDuffie, and Ryan Weston)
  5. AMERICA’s Sweetest Town—Clewiston, Florida is a great place to work, live and raise families
  6. CHALLENGING—Every day on the job demanded my very best effort
  7. GIRL POWER—So proud of all my Communication, PR and Community ladies getting things done
  8. SUGAR EXPRESS—Love a Company that has its own railroad (
  9. THEY GOT NEXT—Happy knowing that my Company and its Communications/Community Relations/Public Affairs will be in good hands—Thanks, Ryan, Brannan, Eric
  10. SWEET—Spending more than 30 years doing something you love, with people you love