Clewiston, FL— Judy Sanchez, Senior Director of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs at U.S. Sugar, issued the following statement on the company’s motion to dismiss filed in response to a baseless lawsuit brought against sugarcane farmers:
“Publicly available air quality monitoring data maintained by the State of Florida has shown, and continues to show, that the Glades communities have some of the best air quality in the state. This is a science-based fact, supported by actual data. The hypothetical, preliminary model included in the Plaintiffs’ second amended complaint is a nonsensical misrepresentation of reality and is a disservice to our community. This is unfortunate, but not entirely unexpected, given the historical playbook of those who willingly ignore data and use baseless claims to attack our communities.
“As farmers, we rely on proven science and data to inform our daily growing and harvesting decisions. Just as important, we live in this community and take very serious our responsibility to be good neighbors and stewards of our environment. That is a commitment we will never waver on or compromise.”
A copy of the motion filed today in the Southern District of Florida is attached.
Background on Litigation:
Complaint Filed on June 4, 2019 (Public Document)
Defendants File Motion to Dismiss on October 18, 2019 (Public Document)
Plaintiffs respond to Motion to Dismiss on November 22, 2019 (Public Document)
Judge Rodney Smith Grants Motion to Dismiss in Part on May 8, 2020 (Public Document)
Plaintiffs File Second Amended Complaint on June 22, 2020 (Public Document)
Recent Media Coverage of Litigation:
“Judge dismisses claims sugar cane burning injures Glades residents; pollution issue open,” TC Palm
“Judge dismisses lawsuit over sugarcane burning,” Caloosa Belle
“Judge Seeks More Facts in Suit Over ‘Toxic’ Sugar Cane Burns,” Law 360